Despite significant safety improvements, Michigan workers still face dangerous conditions that can lead to serious personal injuries. When a workplace accident causes injuries, the injured worker is entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. The amount of benefits an injured worker receives will vary depending on the nature and severity of their injuries and the impact the injuries will have on the worker’s ability to return to work in the future.
If you were injured at work, it is important to understand the types of workers’ compensation benefits you are entitled to receive. You should also know that you may be able to file a personal injury claim for compensation in addition to your claim for workers’ compensation benefits.
When a workplace accident causes personal injuries, an experienced personal injury lawyer can increase the likelihood that your claim for workers’ compensation benefits will be approved. An experienced workplace injury lawyer can also identify all parties who might be responsible for causing your injuries, and help you obtain all of the benefits you are entitled to receive.
Employers purchase workers’ compensation insurance to provide benefits for employees who are injured on the job. When a workplace accident causes injuries, there are four types of workers’ compensation benefits you might be entitled to receive.
Medical benefits cover the cost of medical treatment required to treat your workplace injury or disability. Claims for medical benefits are generally not limited to a specific dollar amount. Your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance coverage should cover the cost of your medical care and treatment, and any deductibles or copays.
Medical benefits coverage will pay for the cost of medical care and treatment, such as:
To ensure your medical treatment is covered, it is important that you see a doctor who is authorized under your employer’s workers’ compensation policy.
Your employer’s workers’ compensation coverage will pay benefits depending on the nature of your injuries and the extent of any disability you suffer from a workplace injury.
If your workplace injury prevents you from returning to work, you may be entitled to rehabilitation benefits to pay for the cost of vocational rehabilitation and other career support services. Rehabilitation benefits help a worker while they complete the training necessary to return to work.
When a workplace accident results in death, the worker’s family is entitled to death benefits. Death benefits also cover the cost of funeral and burial expenses.
A workplace injury can threaten your livelihood and your ability to provide for yourself and your family. An attorney can negotiate with your employers’ workers’ compensation insurance provider to ensure you receive all the benefits you are entitled to. An attorney can also identify other parties who might be responsible for causing your injuries and hold them accountable for the harm they caused.
If you or someone you love was injured on the job, Michigan Injury Attorneys can help. To learn more about workers’ compensation benefits, contact us today to schedule a free appointment to discuss your claims.
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